Friday, March 21, 2008

Competency 7: Social Networking - LiveJournal

LiveJournal is a social networking tool that allows users to create what are essentially shared blogs, known as "communities." Community members can make posts and comment on others' posts. In addition, LiveJournal members can see a constantly-updated digest of all the posts in any communities they belong to by reading their "friends page."

Library Grrls is a community mostly made up of librarians, people who work in libraries, and library-school students, all "grrls." The link is to one particular post, with comments, that happens to be on the subject of how to get youth interested in a manga program. Members of the community can write in with questions or comments on any topic, however, including asking for advice, sharing their thoughts on Library 2.0, connecting with other people attending their LIS program, or anything else broadly connected to the theme of the community.

I'm a member of LiveJournal and I find it to be both fun and useful. Paid membership is cheap and means that you don't see any advertising, which is another plus. Overall, I vastly prefer it to MySpace or other social networking sites for the breadth of communities, useful features, and the clean, simple design.

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